Where’s a Mouse when you really need one?

Elephants are afraid of mice. Sounds like an Urban Myth, but don’t trust me, check out Mythbusters.

Elephants have a number of interesting traits. For example, they can’t climb stairs (or even moderate grades). Enormously powerful, they have few natural enemies, and properly domesticated, can do good things. They have great memories and are extremely loyal… ideal for certain tasks, and a disaster when poorly trained.

Occasionally a rogue stomps through the countryside, squishing everything in its path. Once it gets going, you can’t stop it… or change its direction (unless you have a mouse handy).

Gee, would elephants be a good metaphor for government?

One politician famously implored us to quickly pass a sweeping piece of legislation… so we could find out what is in it… and congress set free a footloose elephant on that one, so now we’re up to our ears in pachyderm poop.

I’m not one of those folks who believes government is always ineffective, although I tilt that way a tiny bit. Over the years it’s accomplished some good as well as a lot of foolishness. Even we Neanderthals drive on interstate highways.

The problem is that, like an elephant, once government gets going, it’s hard to stop or steer. Once a program is in place, it trundles on without regard to whether it’s doing good… or bad. Another characteristic of elephants is a loooong lifespan. Get them going the wrong way, there’s no telling how far they’ll go.

Every journey begins with a single step (since I can’t remember who I stole that line from, it’s not plagiarism). The trick with elephants is to prevent the first step, or make sure it’s in the right direction.

Some journeys are necessary (we ARE in the transportation business). We, and the government, missed some historic opportunities to advance safety and disability initiatives, which are now being forced upon us by public sentiment.


How do we train the elephant? Get it to move in the right direction, or stop before good things are crushed?

Hang on… we’re changing metaphors.

In ye olden days when warships were powered by sails, battles were won by captains who anticipated wind direction and opponents tactics. In modern naval engagements quickness is essential, but back then it took time and planning, because changing the course of a wind powered vessel was complex and time consuming. They understood the strategic implications of a changing atmosphere.

How can we track shifts in the political and business environment and anticipate changes in public opinion and expectations?

A couple of things…

Relationships are important… with local, state and federal politicians, as well as regulators. If they know and trust us they’ll tell us what they see coming… and listen to our ideas about what should happen. Never miss the chance to be with them, to build friendships. Lots of good can come from casual conversations with the right folks.

We might offer insights that prevent unintended consequences… saving both them and us from costly mistakes. They can give hints as to what’s on the horizon.

Another critical source of information and contact are state and local organizations. I’m preaching to the choir here, but astute associations can pick up on impending laws, taxes, fees and regulations, and sometimes influence them. We’re an important industry, but small, and we need everyone.

National organizations like UMA and ABA, as well as state and regional associations have professionals who track things, and try to deal with them before they gain inertia. If you’re a member, you have access to that expertise.

And last, may I shamelessly mention that involvement in national organizations conventions is crucial. These organizations are big enough to get key players to participate in their meetings, offering us the opportunity meet them, hear their perspective and offer opinions.

Bear in mind another characteristic of elephants… they don’t do stairs, or even steep hills. Governments aren’t much different. If we make the right choice… the easiest alternative… they’ll go that way. If we get them aimed in the right direction… they’ll likely stick with it.

Many of us feel insignificant, that our views won’t make a difference. Once the elephant has picked up momentum, that may well be the case; all the more reason to get involved early. Not even the most powerful among us is effective once that sucker gets moving.

If you don’t believe it, check out how “Big Bus Lines” have been hammered on ADA compliance.

And don’t forget, even a mouse, in the right place, can make a big difference. To be in that place, though, you have to show up.

If you don’t trust me… trust Mythbusters.



DEWEY WINS… Plump Americans ARISE!


Careful what you wish for… ;-)